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Guest Book

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Name: jasonkline
Date: 08/25/2014
Message: Wow its almost here again 2014 Cambria county fair.

Name: Lynn A Stauski
Date: 06/08/2014
Message: Go up to the Fair every year and also go up to watch the Silver Shoe Rodeo

Name: Tracy
Date: 09/04/2013
Message: This fair has been a part of my life since I was a baby. My great grandmother had a stand there for years (Mom's Diner". My mother worked at that stand when she was in high school. This fair is a large part of my fondest memories!

Name:  cindy novak
Date: 09/02/2013
Message: see you there....

Name: Ed Penrod
Date: 09/02/2013
Message: See ya all there at the fair.

Name: Peter Shirley
Date: 09/02/2013
Message: How about putting up a decent schedule of events so people know time things are happening?!?!?!?

Name:  Robert Harasty
Date: 09/01/2013
Message: always a good time im guna miss the fair when I move away this year :( but im guna make it a good time this last year ...

Name: Liz Eckenrode
Date: 09/01/2013
Message: I always look forward to the fair every year. It gives my friends and I a reason to get together.

Name: Barbara Manges
Date: 08/30/2013
Message: The Fair has always been a very happy time throughout my childhood. What better way to spend my birthday on most years!

Name: Jack Cessna
Date: 08/29/2013
Message: It's part of ourgrowing up. Now we pass it own to our children and grandchildren, and we still love it. Keep it up, we enjoy it !
